Monday, May 2, 2011


I think the Royal Wedding captured many of us this past week.  So much attention, so much preparation, so much celebration, so much pageantry! All of the media hype had us believing that we were not “anybody” if we didn’t see the ceremony, or the bride’s dress, or the royal couple. I even saw a humorous quip on the Washington Post’s website, exclaiming, “I was there.  I saw her sleeve!”

I also watched a clip on ABC’s website on my iPad (Ok, this is shameless self-promotion that I am in fact “somebody,” even if I didn’t attend or watch the Royal Wedding because I do own an iPad!) that showed the new couple standing on a balcony while the Royal Air Force flew by in salute. That’s why I was watching, mind you, for the planes. The little boy inside of me loves to watch air shows. But, I do agree that the bride, outside of my own bride, may be the prettiest bride I have ever seen. And her dress was stunning.

But what captured me were the comments by those observing the couple, that included phrases like, “You can see the obvious chemistry and connection between the two,” and “Did you notice how she looks at him when he speaks to her?”

Those descriptions struck a chord with me. Theologically, we understand the Church to be the Bride of Christ. It’s a beautiful image. But so often, we also hear some not-so-beautiful images about the Church—misuse of funds, ministerial abuses, declining participation and attendance, lack of focus and vision, and the criticisms go on. Those are some tough descriptions to bear. How did it come to this? Where’s the love?

Perhaps, we should identify our differences with Jesus? Maybe it is differences with each other that needs work? Maybe we should re-examine our relationship as a body of believers that purports to ‘hang on every word’ of Christ? Where is our gaze—on him or somewhere else?

What if, when folks come to the Church, maybe your church, they left saying, “Wow! These folks love each other and Christ. You can see the obvious chemistry and connection between the two.”

(And if you get airplanes to fly overhead, I might come, too!)

Dr. Chris Conver
Recruitment and Admissions Coordinator
Campbellsville University - Louisville